The coronavirus is creating a crisis that will change the world – it will not disappear without shifting how we feel, think, transact business, and work. At the moment, truly the only thing that matters is your health and the health of those you love. That has to be far and away each of our points of most significant focus. This pandemic is rough and scary. But the good news is that … things will normalize at some point (hopefully sooner rather than later). But what will the “new normal” look like?
Industries will struggle, and some will fail. How long will it be before people are ready to sit in a movie theatre with strangers to watch a movie – and can the theatres hold out and keep paying rent for that long? How will this crisis push the retail industry even further towards online rather than “brick and mortar?” Travel, hospitality, restaurants, education, and grocery stores are only some of the more obviously threatened industries. But on the other hand, new industries will thrive – online subscription services, delivery services, companies that provide online platforms like zoom will suddenly take on much more importance.
So it’s not a matter of industries, jobs, or wealth drying up and going away, it truly is a matter of trying to anticipate what the world will look and act like when vaccines and treatments are in place. Jobs will be lost, but jobs will also be created. With much of the world shut down and quarantined, now is the time to position yourself to make the transition to the “new” world.
The first important question is, what do you want to do? Rather than trudging ahead in a job or career that does not satisfy you, take this time of ultimate transition to set yourself up to move in a direction that interests or even excites you. Once you have decided on a goal you would like to pursue, it is time to talk with an employment specialist – a resume writer – about how best to market yourself for the work you want moving forward. Work with someone you trust to help you shape what comes next.
We wish you and yours good health – and are confident that you will take care of all the rest in time. If we can help you, we would love to, but even if you decide to strike out on your own, we wish you all the best. Be strong, stay healthy, and embrace what lies ahead for us all and for you personally.