What is the most important tool in your career-development toolkit?
When it comes to looking for your next career move, whether it is a step forward, a step back, or a lateral move, the most important tool at your disposal is your resume. Too often people take their resume for granted and forget that unless that particular document is perfectly configured, they will never get into the interview room to speak for themselves. Thinking that your education, skills, or accomplishments will “speak for themselves” is a common mistake. Presenting all of the important information in the right structure and context will make the difference between the person who is invited to interview for the job and the person who is not.
If you are starting a new business you are very likely to hire a professional web designer to put the most professional face on your new business. In exactly the same way you would be well-served to have a resume professional – someone with the experience, the knowledge, and the perspective – to create the resume that will get you into the interview room so that you can rock the interview.
As “The Professor of Resumes,” www.professorofresumes.com I will provide you with the resume and other job search materials you need to take that next important professional step. Contact me through the website or at nathan@professorofresumes.com
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